For show & tell today......... let me introduce a few of our fellow stitchery "addicts"!
First, is April! She made the Garden Journal Baskets quilt & won FIRST PLACE at the Morgan Hill Quilt Show!!!! Yahoo April!! You did a beautiful job! And
you look very pretty too!

Next is "Halloween Journey" made by Kirsten Scranton. Is that piecing in the corners, or a fun fabric? I wish we could see it better! One of the drawbacks to emailing photos is that some of our computers or email providers want the images to be really small. But, darn it!, it makes the photos blurry!!! And we want to be able to see every beautiful stitch! When you send your photos in to us, just leave them as big as you can for your programs & let us re-size them. High DPI is GOOD! ..... you know,..... if you squint it gets clearer!.......... I know, I'm goofy! Kirsten wrote us that she's going to start on "Over the River" next. That reminds me that I need to get the binding on our 2nd copy of that!

This is a quilt top made by Susan Ache. Susan works at the Old Green Cupboard in Jacksonville, FL. (They have a very fun website!) She's put together the borders of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" and put "Heart of Christmas" increased by 200% in the center. WOW! I love it when I see people using the patterns in different ways!! This one is really effective isn't it? Great job! She told Cyndy that she's working on "Merry Little Christmas" & is putting it together a little bit differently too. CAN'T WAIT to see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is "Chamomile & Thyme" made by Kathy Savage from Royersford, PA. She writes that she won first prize in the "Embroidered Pillow" category in their county fair! WOW! Very pretty!! How did you do the edging on your ruffle??? SHARE!!!!