Thursday, October 2, 2008

We're getting so close to getting the new website up & "on the air!" The new samples are complete, patterns are done & the new flyers that we send out to all of "our" shops are ready to print! Whew!! It's time to start working on NEW, new designs!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! There are so many images floating around in my head it's kind of hard to sleep at night. It will get better after I'm able to at least get them down on paper. Tomorrow! .... Tomorrow is going to be a drawing day! YIPPEE!!!!!
This weekend Phil (my long suffering husband) & I are heading for the mountains. The leaves in the Cascades are in FULL color, so we'll leave early, spend the day soaking in the beauty, stop at Apple Annie's in Cashmere for a marathon search for old tablecloths & green glassware, hit Smallwoods fruit stand & get pumpkins, gourds & some great Wenatchee Valley apples (they really don't taste the same anywhere else!) , and have dinner at Rusty's..... the best hamburgers on the face of the earth! .... before we head home. I can't wait, can't WAIT, CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
Oh, here's one of the new patterns "Farm Fresh Produce". It looks so much like the fruit stands that are along the roadsides in the orchard filled valley where we're going on Saturday.

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