It's a very dreary, windy day today (I LIKE the dreary....HATE the wind!! Some of the branches on my bleeding hearts got broken off!!! UGH!) The perfect kind of day to just sit in front of the computer and write patterns!..... and, I have to admit I had to take an apple crisp break.... perfect time to update the blog!....bite of apple crisp, type a paragragh....bite of apple crisp, upload a picture.... you get the idea! HA!!! I snagged some of the apple crisp when I went into the house to snap this picture. We got this blackboard finished and put up this weekend and I'm SO THRILLED with the way it's turned out!!! It looks old, doesn't it??? It's not tho! It was made by Doug Bettinghouse who did all the trim work in our house. Didn't he do a great job?? I gave him a little scribbly sketch with about 1/2 this detail and he just ran with it.... turned out so much nicer than I'd ever even hoped! It was kind of that way throughout our whole experience with Doug working on the house though.... he'd just run with things & we could absolutely depend on him doing it well... and doing it right.... very uncommon these days. He also built us a counter/storage really cool cabinet, a couple pillar/vase things, and several storage seats for our market booth. They're just beautiful and I can't wait to use them (I'll share pictures!) Doug's wife Suzi thinks he's just about the greatest thing since sliced bread...and I think we all have to agree with her!! Thanks Doug!!!
There were several questions to answer........
Q. Where did I get the stools in my kitchen?
A. From Restoration Hardware (they have way too much beautiful stuff!!! BEWARE!!!!
Q. When will the new patterns be released?
A. Next month! I'd love to release them RIGHT NOW, but the patterns aren't written yet and
the quilts aren't back from Jill Therriault, the quilter yet and we need to do the
photography for the pattern covers...........OOOOooooh..... I need to remember to get UPC's
too!!! Thanks for reminding me!
Q. What floss and fabric did I use on Snow Days?
A. New floss from Cosmo from their new "Seasons" line. They're variegated as if they were
hand dyed and 100% colorfast. Same smooth, silky feel. This floss color ranges from taupe
to gray to a kind of blue/green, to a light charcoal. Really gorgeous! The fabric was all
pulled from Lecien's fabric lines.... Mrs. March's and Centenary. The stitchery background
was a solid from their 1000 colors line. I started out with several dark charcoal-y fat
quarters in my palette but decided not to use them after I'd made several blocks for the
center of the quilt (wanted it to be somewhat darker than the outer border) and they were
just TOO dark!! Anyway....I went with mostly lights and mediums and put all the blocks I
had to re-make on the back of the quilt! Nothing got wasted, I promise!!!
Q. From Lynn S about the Quilter's Home article.......where were my email and website
A. I wondered the SAME THING!!!!!!
Q. From WAY too observant Brenda Riddle!.... "Isn't that your house on Snow Days???"
A. well........................................yeah.............................I have to admit I put the house and the
studio on the quilt...............figured they'd just blend in and nobody would notice.........I'm a
little bit ashamed of myself...........................but just a little! HA!!!
Last, but not least, thanks for all the nice comments about the Quilter's Home blurb! I've avoided magazines like the plague. Turned down several offers (I know, really dumb move!). But the thing is....they all want a picture! You have to try to understand the gravity of that request.................I'm one of those poor, unfortunate people who can't just flash a smile at a camera and out pops a cheerful....perfectly acceptable picture! I end up either looking heavily drugged or downright demented..........no middle ground at all! No matter the camera angle, no matter the pose, no matter how much I rehearse in the mirror, the split second that shutter clicks I close my eyes and grin like Jack Nicholson. Not a pretty sight............... hey! Want to buy a pretty, girly pattern from a crazed axe murderer????? You get my point. YIKES!!! So....if you EVER see my picture ANYWHERE, every again..........it'll probably be the same one in Quilter's Home...........for the next 30 years...........I just won't age! (Not too bad an idea after all???)
See Ya! xox Meg