Sunday, July 12, 2009

Shop Hop Day 3

Hi again!

We just locked the doors & turned out the lights on day three! It's been so fun meeting everybody! We've seen some show & tell, done a lot of chit-chatting & laughed SO MUCH!!

We had an early evening today. Sheila is off to a church function with her 2 boys... Jan & Cyndy have left to do some shopping... & I'm winding things up here at the studio & trying to get all of the photos of the new Cosmo 2 ply floss on the spools ready for the website so that you can try them out!! I should be able to get them loaded on the website tomorrow (hope-hope!!) These are a few of them...
I think we'll also put these tins of button on the site. They turned out so cute I almost wouldn't want to open them & use the buttons!!
I hope that some of you will be able to come visit us this week. We'll be so happy to meet you!!

xox Meg


Pat said...

That floss is beautiful. I love the buttons too!

Auntie Pami said...

Oh, I will be calling Sheila! I want some floss. and French General.