Oh... it's SOOOOOooooo hot outside!! All of the flowers are getting leggy & in this heat, the color in every petal just seems to fade. We need a few cool, rainy days! Oh well, guess I'll just have to stay inside & stitch! ........... IF I had fabric to stitch on! I'm waiting on a package from Moda with the new April Cornell fabric (Nature's Notebook). Then I can start stitching on "Susan's Dresden Garden". I'm getting antsy....want to get started on it.... I have a bad case of itchy fingers!!! This is the fabric & floss. NOW you see why I can't wait to work on it!
I finished sewing together "Flight of Fancy" using the French General's Rouenneries Line (I know I spelled that wrong...that's my best guess & best effort for right now. I'm too lazy at the moment to walk across the room to look at the Moda catalog! LOL!!!) Now all I have to do is sew together the back & take it to Susan, our quilter. I think she's going out of town on vacation in August so I'd better get on it, huh??? Wow, really should have ironed it befor taking the picture!...........get real tho!!! Iron??? in 100+ heat????? Not THIS girl!! Not unless there's an ironing emergency of some kind.... no, who am I kidding, not even then.
We've sold out of Pigma pens, most of the dish towel fabric, the blue & green crochet trim & embroidery hoops. They're all on order & should be arriving soon. We'll get them back up on the website ASAP!
We've had some questions lately about red floss & red fabrics bleeding. I haven't had any problems personally, but I know it's totally possible! We heard from a shop last month that had several boxes of red DMC that were purchased for class kits & they had trouble with it (big, really bad trouble!!) And from a shop in Canada that was having trouble with many of their red fabrics. All I can say is.... red's always been a problem. We're advising everyone to pre-wash red fabrics & use Retayne or a vinegar solution to set the dye, or use one of those dye magnets. You can also test your floss & soak the entire skein in Retayne or a vinegar solution. We haven't seen any problems at all with the Cosmo floss but please DO remember that the Weeks Dye Works floss is not colorfast. Good Luck!
We have some more show & tell for you! This Halloween Journey stitchery was made by Candace Peckich. She finished it as a little wall quilt. I love her piano key borders!! Look at the back too, I swear it's just as cute! Great job Candace! Thanks for letting all of us see it!
This stitched dish towel is from Donna Huckabee. She got this free Texas wildflowers pattern at a Texas shop hop (I vaguely remember drawing it!!! LOL!!) It turned out really pretty Donna! She also sent a picture of wild evening primroses covering a field near her home. That's SO very pretty!!! I'd love to be able to see the bluebonnets blooming some day. Texans should be so proud of their wildflowers being protected & cultivated the way that they are!
Last, I have to show you a watercolor painting by Jan Clark. She emailed me a picture of it last week. I saw it & fell madly in love immediately!! It's her kitty but she looks exactly like MY Honeybunny!!!! I had to have it!!! She's bringing it by the studio on Friday. I'M SO EXCITED!!!